Main Lake

The first Willinghurst lake to be constructed back in 1967. Though built as a trout lake carp were introduced in 1981 with the intention of growing them on and selling them for the table. Needless to say this never happened as anglers preferred to pay to catch them rather than eat them. Now this lake together with Christmas Tree form the cornerstone of our offering to the specimen hunter.

The carp run to the very high 30s and we expect our first 40 to be caught this year. As well as a good head of doubles there are also specimen Tench to 6 lbs and Roach to 2.5 lbs. The majority of anglers fish to the islands but the canny fisherman will fish under the trees dotted along the margins were the really big fish lay in the summertime. In the height of the summer this lake is also hugely popular with the fly fishing fraternity as the big fish can be lured onto the surface and stalking the big fish is very successful and hugely rewarding.

Fish Chart

Mirror Carp Common Carp F1 Carp Roach Barbel Tench Bream Chub Skimmer Perch
<5lb 10-20lb 20-30lb 30lb+ <5lb 10-20lb 20-30lb 30lb+
Horseshoe Lake
New Lake
John's Match Lake
Old Lake
Top Lake
Cherry Tree Lake
Oak Tree Lake
Pittance Lake
Christmas Tree Lake
Main Lake
Half Moon Lake
